When we grow up, we lose contact with what we did as kids; but there is a job and market for every natural talent, and you are bound to excel when your job coincides with your true interests.
God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.
- Voltaire
‘Tis the season of gift giving, but have you stopped to think about the gifts you’ve been given–those natural talents and abilities that make you unique.
Natural talents are evident in children because they act on their own interests and impulses, unfiltered by society's expectations.
What did you love to do as a child? What came naturally to you? What brought you joy?
Did you like to draw or paint? Did you take apart or build things? Did you spend hours on puzzles? Did you create in the kitchen or the garden or the lab?
When we grow up some of us lose contact with what we did as kids. We forget what piqued our interest, challenged our minds, or ignited our imagination. Some of us allow society's expectations to dictate what we do as adults. But there is an adult job for every innate interest. There is a market for every natural talent, and when your job coincides with your talent and interest, you are bound to excel.
Debbi Fields came up with a recipe for irresistibly delicious chocolate chip cookies. She and her husband decided to start their own business selling those cookies, and now Mrs. Fields is known for her recipe for success--find out what you do better than anyone and offer it to the public.
You can make money doing almost anything so why not explore what you loved doing when you were a child? Use your gifts and share them with the world--don’t keep them to yourself. The world will be a better place for it, and you too will be better off when you share the true you.
Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- Leo Buscaglia
Pamela Kleibrink Thompson is a career coach for creative people and recruiter for animation, visual effects, games and design companies. You can reach her at PamRecruit87@gmail.com or https://pamela-kleibrink-thompson.business.site/.