VFXWorld Magazine
A New Look at Virtual Production
HALON taps Fabric Engine’s Creation Platform to develop a virtual production environment capable of re-targeting motion capture data in real time.
Christian Cardona and the VFX of 'Bones'
LOOK Effects’ VFX supervisor talks about the fast-paced world of visual effects on Fox's hit procedural crime drama.
Growing a Studio – Ken Ralston Talks VFX at Imageworks
The five-time Oscar winning visual effects supervisor reflects on his career at Sony Pictures Imageworks.
Growing a Studio – Ken Ralston Talks VFX at Imageworks
The five-time Oscar winning visual effects supervisor reflects on his career at Sony Pictures Imageworks.
SIGGRAPH 2012: Virtual Production Heats Up
At the 39th SIGGRAPH conference in LA this week it was all about improving the virtual production workflow.
Reimagining 'Total Recall'
Double Negative and The Senate discuss updating the Philip K. Dick sci-fi classic for the 21st century.
'Spider-Man'’s Lizard Part 2: The Digital Effects
Digital effects supervisor David Smith describes the arduous task of building the stunning humanoid villain, the Lizard.
'Spider-Man'’s Lizard Part 1: The Animation
Animation supervisor Dave Schaub describes the challenges animating Spider-Man’s latest nemesis, the Lizard.
Review: Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate 2013
Brad Clark, our intrepid character rigging master, puts Autodesk’s latest software suite through its paces.
Jason Clark Talks 'Ted' and the New VFX World Order
The producer of Seth MacFarlane’s new hit film talks about blending motion-capture, CG and improvisational comedy.
Bending Bekmambetov's Method on 'Vampire Hunter'
Method goes to new heights in tackling the climactic train fight in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
Jay Redd Talks 'Men in Black 3' and Looney Tunes 3-D
The visual effects supervisor on MiB3 and the rebooted Looney Tunes 3-D shorts talks previs, tech tools, visual design and working again with Ken Ralston.
Barry Howell Talks 'Battleship' Previs
The Third Floor’s previs supervisor talks about Thugs, the Beast and working with Peter Berg on his naval-science fiction slugfest.