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A free sample term paper provided for instructional purposes is often available to students to use as a model for determining how to write term papers of their own. Such samples will often point out important components of a term paper so that students can learn how to develop these components in their own papers. Often, these samples will make note of both compositional and content aspects of the papers. For instance, the sample may point out the structure of the paper—the way its introduction, development, and conclusion are arranged and organized. It may also make note of the paper’s thesis statement—its main argument or idea. It is likely that a free sample term paper will also point out the way in which the writer of the paper transitions from one paragraph to the next and one idea to the next, integrates secondary sources into the text, and styles his or her sentences. In terms of content, free sample term papers will point to the places in the text where the thesis statement is being developed or defended and will explain how that statement is being developed or defended.
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