FAMILY GUY moves to Thursday
Fox has announced their US Fall prime-time lineup and it includes somesurprises. For one, Toon Tuesday is no more. The closest to it is ToonSunday. Fox's confidence in FAMILY GUY appears to be high, as it has beenmoved to Thursday night where it will stand out as the only animatedseries, sandwiched between two new live-action shows, MANCHESTER PREP andACTION, shows that seem to be geared to the male 18-49 demographic group.
The schedule, which begins in September, is as follows:
Thursday9:00 FAMILY GUY
VirtualMagic expands to Asia
Don Spielvogel, President of VirtualMagic Animation, Inc., and JeffreyHarrison, Chairman/CEO of ImagineAsia Studio, announce the formation ofVirtualMagic ASIA, a new digital ink, paint and compositing service in thePhilippines that will operate as a subsidiary of VirtualMagic Animation,Inc. headquartered in North Hollywood, California. VirtualMagic ASIA is acorporate venture between two animation and digital service studios,VirtualMagic Animation, Inc. and ImagineAsia Studio, of Manila.
DEVIANT! wins at New York Animation Festival
Eoin Clarke's DEVIANT! won the Best of Festival award at the first New YorkAnimation Festival. The first New York Animation Festival presented adiverse international program of film and video animation from May 13-15 inNew York City. Over 2500 attended the three-day event which was held inGreenwich Village at The New School for Social Research's TishmanAuditorium. Here is the complete list of winners: Best of Festival:DEVIANT! by Eoin Clarke; Honorable Mention: ONE SELF: FISH GIRL by Emily
Kid Rhino Collects a CARTOON MEDLEY
On July 6 Kid Rhino and Cartoon Network celebrate tunes from some of thebest-loved cartoon TV shows of this century with CARTOON MEDLEY, acollection of 38 of Cartoon Network's greatest hits. The collectionfeatures themes from JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS, THE FLINTSTONES, SPEED RACER,THE JETSONS, SPACE GHOST COAST-TO-COAST, SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU?,DEXTER'S LABORATORY, and the current cult favorite THE POWERPUFF GIRLS.Lyrics are included in the CD booklet. CARTOON MEDLEY will retail for
Joyce, Wasson, Zoeller win Daytime Emmys
On May 15, 1999 the 26th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards were presented in 43categories during ceremonies held at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, New YorkCity, and the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills. Outstanding Achievementin Animation Emmy Awards were presented to William Joyce, ProductionDesigner for Nelvana's ROLIE POLIE OLIE, Dave Wasson, Production Designerfor "Max and His Special Problem," part of Nickelodeon's OH YEAH! CARTOONSseries, and Mark Zoeller, Storyboard Artist for DreamWorks' TOONSYLVANIA.
Nelvana announces new personnel
Nelvana Communications has announced several key personnel changes. STEVEGALLOWAY has been recruited for Vice President of Development for NelvanaCommunications. He comes from Universal Studios/Music Group where he servedfor eight years as Vice President Longform Programming & Production. Hewill be responsible for overseeing the development of Nelvana's newanimated series for television.
DAVID HARLESTON has been named Vice President of Business and Legal Affairsfor Nelvana Communications. He was formerly General Counsel for Carter
Disney promotes Phil Lofaro
PHIL LOFARO has been promoted from Vice President to Senior Vice Presidentof Production for Walt Disney Feature Animation. He will continue tooversee production for the studio's animated features and shorts, includingscheduling, budgeting and new technologies.
The Clios have been announced
The 40th Annual Clios, which are given in recognition of outstanding achievement in the advertising industry, have been announced for 1999. The following list includes only animation related awards. For a complete list of winners, visit
BRONZE AWARDS: Advertiser/Product/Service: Nature's Resource Title: 'Echinacea'Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, ChicagoProduction Company: Blue Sky/VIFX, Harrison
Roger Ebert looks at animation
This weekend's syndicated episode of SISKEL AND EBERT AT THE MOVIES, Roger Ebert's weekly movie review show in the US, is an animation special entitled "That's Not All Folks!," during which the film critic will explore the past, present, and future of animation.
Women in Animation names Jan Nagel interim president
Jan Nagel has been named Interim President of the non-profit, professional organization Women in Animation. Nagel replaces Women In Animation founder Rita Street until elections are held later this year. Nagel, formerly Vice President of the organization, has worked hand-in-hand with Street since WIA's inception in 1994. "As the Interim President, I will work with everyone in Women in Animation to help nurture the organization through this transition," commented Nagel.
Class-Key Chew-Po creates McDonald's spots
Los Angeles-based Class-Key Chew-Po Commercials has created a series of"Agent M" spots for McDonald's. Directed by Walter Santucci (EVIL CAT), the2D animated spots feature two characters, Agent M and his partner Sidecat.Their goal is to find and acquaint the public with the great food bargainsat McDonald's. Agent M, voiced by Adam West (BATMAN), is a detective withthe cool confidence of James Bond, but with the clumsiness of InspectorClouseau. Sidecat, voiced by Taurean Blacque (HILL ST. BLUES), saves theday when his boss screws up.
Darth Maul action figure tops sales
eToys Inc., an Internet retailer of children's products, reports that DarthMaul tops their list of most popular action figure characters. Samuel L.Jackson's Mace Windu, despite limited screen time, is number two. The leastpopular action figure characters at eToys are Senator Palpatine and theNaboo space craft pilot Ric Olie. Hasbro paid $590 million, and gave GeorgeLucas a 7.4% stake in the company, for the licensing rights to STAR WARSEPISODES ONE, TWO, and THREE.
Top Ten Action Figure Characters at eToys
Nickelodeon and Kid Rhino offer Rugrats CD
IN SEARCH OF THE MIGHTY REPTAR, an audio adventure based on THE RUGRATS,the Nickelodeon TV series, will be released by Nickelodeon and Kid Rhino onJuly 20th. The release contains two separate stories, "Reptar On Ice" and"Journey To The Center Of The Basement." "Reptar On Ice" takes the Rugratson a quest to meet Reptar, the giant lizard beloved by Tommy Pickles andhis pals, at the Reptar on Ice Show. "Journey To The Center Of TheBasement" tells how the Rugrats summon up their courage to rescue baby
Red Storm conspires with BKN to offer TV series-based game
Red Storm, which has been broadening the boundaries of computer gaming withproducts like Tom Clancy's RAINBOW SIX, has reached an agreement withBohbot Kids Network (BKN), a New York-based syndication networkspecializing in children's programming, to produce a series of games basedon BKN's series ROSWELL CONSPIRACIES: ALIENS, MYTHS & LEGENDS, a new showwhich will begin airing in the spring of 2000 and already has a two-yearair commitment. The show is a creation of Allen Bohbot, Chairman and CEO of
Kansas City Disney building is marked for demolition
A building at 2449 Charlotte St. on Hospital Hill, former home of theKansas City Slide Co., where A. Vern Cauger hired Disney in 1920, wasbought last year by the University of Missouri-Kansas City, which plans todemolish the site to make way for a life-sciences facility and parking lot.Disney worked for more than two years at the Charlotte address, helpingproduce slides and one-minute films shown as advertisements in movietheaters. He worked alongside other Kansas City artists who, like him,
Emmy Awards are announced
The 26th annual Daytime Emmy Awards were announced on May 21st at NewYork's Madison Square Garden Theatre. ARTHUR won Outstanding Children'sAnimated Program; Rob Paulsen, the voice of "Pinky" on STEVEN SPIELBERGPRESENTS: PINKY AND THE BRAIN, won for Outstanding Performer in an AnimatedSeries; PINKY AND THE BRAIN won for Outstanding Special Class/AnimatedProgram; VOLTRON won for Outstanding Sound Editing; THE NEW BATMAN/SUPERMANADVENTURES won for Outstanding Sound Mixing - Special Class; STEVEN
EPISODE II is in pre-production
Pre-production on STAR WARS EPISODE II (Lucas reportedly has a title inmind, but it has not been released) has already begun. Shooting is set tostart in June 2000 with locations at Fox Studios Australia, Tunisia, andItaly, and the release is scheduled for summer 2002. The story will focuson the romance and marriage between Anakin Skywalker (the future DarthVader) and Queen Amidala, and the Siths' attempt to gain control of thegalaxy. Whereas the budget for EPISODE 1 was $115 million, Lucas says he
Cyclotron creates Letterman open
Cyclotron has completed a new open for CBS' "Late Show with DavidLetterman." It features a sweeping night view of the illuminated StatenIsland Ferry, the Manhattan skyline, and the newly renovated Grand CentralStation. It was shot on High-Def in preparation for future broadcasts ofthe show in HD. On-set supervision was conducted by Visual Effects ProducerRobert Buganza and Digital Composite Artist Tim Farrell during shoots ofthe Staten Island Ferry, the Manhattan Skyline and Grand Central Station to
Colossal gives a Pool Party
San Francisco-based (COLOSSAL) PICTURES has created a hand-drawn 2D :30animated spot for Old Navy Tie-dye shirts that is done in a retro-style.George Evelyn directed "Pool Party," which features a pastiche of early1930s rubber-hose style animation, and is especially reminiscent of UbIwerks and color Van Beuren shorts. The spot opens with a black and whitescene of children and animals moping around a deflated backyard pool, andbegins to change to color when two kids arrive wearing Old Navy Tie-dye
Felix the Cat is part of silent film auction
A collection that includes several Felix the Cat films, as well as more than 1,500 16mm and 35mm silent films and a vast archive of stills, large-format celebrity portraits, clippings and other memorabilia from Hollywood's Silent Movie Theater will be offered at auction by Butterfield & Butterfield in Los Angeles, California, USA May 23 and 24, 1999. For more information contact Butterfield & Butterfield, Los Angeles, Michael Schwartz, (323) 850-7500 ext. 295; or Levi Morgan, (323) 850-7500 ext. 216; or (415) 861-7500 ext. 348.
PHANTOM MENACE sets boxoffice record
LucasFilm and 20th Century Foxs visual effects-driven STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE took in $61.8 million gross over the three-day weekend. Its five-day total of $102.7 million since its Wednesday debut broke the previous five-day record of $92.7 million set in 1997 by THE LOST WORLD: JURASSIC PARK, but its three-day weekend gross failed to challenge the $72.1 million record still held by THE LOST WORLD.
Large Format film festival slated
*Wednesday, May 19th - Friday, May 21st. Los Angeles, California, USA.
Highlights of the 1999 Conference and Film Festival of the Large FormatCinema Association include a tribute to large format film pioneer LesterNovros, the Large Format Film Festival, Large Format animated films, paneldiscussions about theater operations and industry business, sessionsexploring production and post production technology, and a screening ofLAWRENCE OF ARABIA. For more information contact LFCA at (310) 823-4901.
New in The Student Corner! Hot Interviews and 2 years of Desert Island
Two years of our Desert Island series and over 60 new articles and affiliate web site links have been added to the Student Corner this week...