IN SEARCH OF THE MIGHTY REPTAR, an audio adventure based on THE RUGRATS,the Nickelodeon TV series, will be released by Nickelodeon and Kid Rhino onJuly 20th. The release contains two separate stories, "Reptar On Ice" and"Journey To The Center Of The Basement." "Reptar On Ice" takes the Rugratson a quest to meet Reptar, the giant lizard beloved by Tommy Pickles andhis pals, at the Reptar on Ice Show. "Journey To The Center Of TheBasement" tells how the Rugrats summon up their courage to rescue babyReptar, who is accidentally brought down into the dark and scary basement.IN SEARCH OF THE MIGHTY REPTAR will debut in the US on July 20th at storesfor $13.98 on CD and $9.98 on cassette.
The release will launch as part of Nickelodeon's Rugrats Go Reptar! event,anchored by a direct-to-video release of RUNAWAY REPTAR from Paramount HomeVideo and a broad consumer products campaign across all categories. Theinitiative will be supported through a Reptar-themed week-long programmingevent, as well as through a major promotion via and NickelodeonMagazine. Promotional partners supporting the release of the home video areLincoln Mercury, Motts, Campbells, Broderbund, and Oral B. Reptar themingwill be incorporated across all merchandise categories and there will be adedicated one-week Reptar-themed on-air promotion in August 1999, whichwill be followed up by a Burger King promotion. IN SEARCH OF THE MIGHTYREPTAR will be supported by cross promotions with Mattel, THQ, Simon &Schuster, and University Games/Colorforms.
Rugrats, Nickelodeon's animated series about life from a baby's point ofview, is the highest rated kids TV program in the U.S., attracting 23million viewers each week. Whenever adults are around, the Rugrats act likereal babies, but when they're alone, they talk to each other with thevocabulary of five-year-olds. The Rugrats are Tommy Pickles, theone-year-old hero; his best friend Chuckie; the twins from next door, Philand Lil; and Tommy's bratty cousin Angelica.