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Tagged With: Marion Spates

More Than Just Color Correction VFXWorld

How Offloading VFX into Color Grading Transformed 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'

VFX supervisors Jabbar Raisani and Marion Spates, working with Company 3’s Siggy Ferstl, developed an innovative workflow where many shots normally sent to a visual effects studio were handled by the colorist, making use of the extensive toolset within Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve.

Combining All the Elements VFXWorld

Mastering the Elements: Integrating Live-Action and CGI in ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’

VFX supervisor, director, and executive producer Jabbar Raisani led a monumental effort to deliver almost 3,400 visual effects shots on the live-action adaptation of Nickelodeon’s famed animated series, recreating the magical world of benders, who control the natural elements of fire, water, wind, and earth, and the mediator known as the Avatar.

Danger Will Robinson! VFXWorld

Digital Domain Helps Solve an Alien Mystery in ‘Lost in Space’ Final Season

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 12:10pm

The Oscar-winning VFX studio creates a hostile planet, battling robots, and a lost civilization for Netflix’s hit sci-fi series about the inter-galactic adventures of the Robinson family… that’s always in danger!