Tagged With: Ahmad Saleh
Alicja Jasina and Ahmad Saleh Take Animation Gold at 2016 Student Academy Awards
43rd Student Academy Awards honor Jasina’s ‘Once Upon a Line’ and Saleh’s ‘Ayny - My Second Eye’ alongside with 15 other student filmmakers.
‘Ayny’ Wins Student Academy Award for Best Foreign Animation
2016 Student Academy Award for best foreign animation goes to Ahmad Saleh's Academy of Media Arts Cologne graduation film ‘Ayny’; film to be presented Friday, September 23rd at the Goethe-Institut in Los Angeles.
Academy Reveals 2016 Student Oscar Winners
‘Die Flucht,’ by Carter Boyce at DePaul University, ‘Once upon a Line,’ by Alicja Jasina at USC, and ‘The Wishgranter,’ by Echo Wu from Ringling College of Art and Design, named winners at the 2016 Student Academy Awards.