Just dropped by your Tiny Oaks site! Looks great, with very nice character design and the quality of the animation is excellent. I'm studying at AnimationMentor.com and hope to get a job in the industry soon. i love stopping by sites like yours as they're great inspiration.
Well done on getting the TV Job and good luck for the future!
Love It!
Hi Guys,
Just dropped by your Tiny Oaks site! Looks great, with very nice character design and the quality of the animation is excellent. I'm studying at AnimationMentor.com and hope to get a job in the industry soon. i love stopping by sites like yours as they're great inspiration.
Well done on getting the TV Job and good luck for the future!
Oly Scott
Wow, very nice stuff, it looks great, very proffesional!
I can't believe you got Richard Sherman to do the music, that guy's a legend!
I'm envious!
Thanks for the kind words guys!
And Bluehickey, about Richard Sherman, it probably helped a little that I'm married to his daughter.. :)
Doug Wolf
co-founder/EVP creative
Very Very Nice!
Everything everyone else has said. I don't see how you can't be successful. Love the characters, the colors, the website is outstanding.
Cheater! That's Cheating! Just kidding. Actually it'd be worse if you had that relationship to him and never used it!