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AWN Headline News

Disney Headline News

Disney may convert internet holdings

Disney, the Burbank, California entertainment company, is considering waysin which it could package its Disney Online assets together with thecompany's 43% stake in Infoseek Corp., of Sunnyvale, California, for apublic offering, according to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Disney and Infoseekjointly created and own the Go Network Internet portal launched earlierthis year. Disney Online operates the Web site. Disney hasrecently begun negotiations to take majority control of Infoseek sooner

Digital Headline News

C-3D Digital acquires Strata

C-3D Digital, Inc. has increased its content capabilities for its 24 hour3D channel by executing a definitive agreement for the acquisition ofsecurity interests in the technology and principle assets of Strata Inc., apremier name in 3D computer graphics. "The acquisition of Strata assets andtechnology has been selected for its strategic fit into the C-3D DigitalInc.'s network of companies for the ability to add eye-popping 3D effects,that Strata is famous for, to our growing content currently shown on the 3D

Digital Headline News

Curious Pictures promotes Boo Wong

BOO WONG has been promoted to head the CGI Department atCurious Pictures, the bi-coastal, live-action, graphics, special effectsand animation studio, it was announced today by Executive Producer/Head ofProduction Richard Winkler. Wong, 33, succeeds Tammy Walters, who recentlyleft the company to pursue a career as a producer. In her new post, Wongwill be responsible for the overall operation of the CGI departmentincluding scheduling, media flow, resource management, evaluation and

Headline News

Buena Vista promotes Manuel Rodriguez

The president of Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Chuck Viane, haspromoted Manuel "Rod" Rodriguez to the post of senior vice president andgeneral sales manager for Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. In his newrole, Rodriguez will be responsible for handling sales and distributionoperations throughout the United States and Canada for all motion picturesreleased under the Walt Disney, Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures banners.Rodriguez, an industry veteran who has been based at Buena Vista's Atlanta

Headline News

Cinar approved for stock listings

CINAR Corp. has announced that the company's options have been approved forlisting on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), the Chicago Board OptionsExchange (CBOE) and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX). CINAR optionsbegan trading on all three exchanges under the symbol "CUF" on Wednesday,April 7, 1999. CINAR Corporation is an integrated entertainment andeducation company involved in the development, production, post-productionand worldwide distribution of non-violent, quality programming and

Motion Headline News

Motion Factory funded

The Motion Factory, developer of the award-winning Motivate IntelligentDigital Actor(TM) System, has announced the completion of a new round ofventure funding from BankAmerica Ventures, SofInnova, and Digital MediaGroup. With the newly committed funds totaling $2 million, The MotionFactory plans to accelerate the development of the Motivate system and willinvest in expanded customer support services. The company also recentlyannounced development is underway to support Sony PlayStation 2, Sega

Film Headline News


In London on Sunday night, April 11, The British Academy of Film and Televsion Arts (BAFTA) presented THE CANTERBURY TALES with their 1999 award for Best Short Animated Film. The film is a 27 mininute long adaptation of Geoffrey Chaucer's classic poem about pilgrims telling tales while travelling to Canterbury. The film includes three of the travellers' tales, each one animated in a different style. The film was produced by Renat Zinnurov, Claire Jennings, and Les Mills. It was directed by Aida Zyablikova, Ashley Potter, Dave Antrobus, Mic Graves, Joanna Quinn, and Jonathan Myerson.

College Headline News

Royal College of Art Animation Students Exhibit

The animation students at The Royal College of Art will exhibit their work as part of The Royal College of Art Show 1999: Design, Communication & Humanities from Wednesday 23 June - Sunday 4 July, from10am - 6pm daily + one late night. The college is famous for the high quality of work done by its students. It is located in Kensington Gore, London W7. For further information, TEL: 0171 590 4444; or FAX: 0171 590 4500. Also visit for more information.

Animated Headline News

Catch a history of animated commercials

* Sunday, April 11. Richmond, Viriginia, USA.

BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ANIMATED TV COMMERCIAL will feature over 50commercials from 1948-1993. Janet Scagnelli will introduce the program,which starts at 3pm at the James River Festival. TEL: (804) 355-1383 orvisit

Rocky Headline News

ROCKY & BULLWINKLE Starts Production

Universal Pictures has begun production in Los Angeles on TribecaProductions' live-action/animated comedy adventure "The Adventures of Rockyand Bullwinkle," starring two time Academy Award(R) winner Robert De Niro("Raging Bull," "The Godfather Part II"), Jason Alexander (TV's "Seinfeld")and Rene Russo ("Get Shorty"). Des McAnuff ("Cousin Bette," Broadway's"The Who's Tommy") is directing from a screenplay by Kenneth Lonergan, withDe Niro and Jane Rosenthal producing. David Nicksay ("The Negotiator") and

Headline News

The Daffy Duck stamp arrives

Daffy Duck will finally get the respect he longs for on April 16 at 10am atthe Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood when a U.S. postage stamp isdedicated in his honor and "Daffy Duck Day" is declared in Hollywood tocommemorate the event. Johnny Grant, Ceremonial Mayor of Hollywood andChairman of the HollywoodWalk of Fame, will declare the day as "Daffy DuckDay" when he joins Tirso del Junco, M.D., member of the Postal Service'sBoard of Governors, and Dan Romanelli, President, Warner Bros. Consumer

Headline News

Don't miss the 1999 San Diego Comic-Con

This year the San Diego Comic-Con International will be held August 12-15.Comic-Con is the largest convention of its kind. It features a huge comicbook, animation, film and related items marketplace, a slew of panels, andmany special guests. The special guests currently scheduled include NeilGaiman (SANDMAN), Mike Mignola (HELLBOY), Art Spiegelman (MAUS, RAW), JimSteranko (publisher of PREVUE, writer and artist of famous 1960's issues ofS.H.I.E.L.D. and CAPTAIN AMERICA), Dave Stevens (THE ROCKETEER), Jill

Headline News

Bob Gurr to sign Lithographs at Disneyland

Bob Gurr, designer and veteran Walt Disney Imagineer whose designs for Disneyland include the original "bubble-top" Monorail engine, will appear in person Saturday, April 10, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in The Disney Gallery, New Orleans Square, Disneyland. Gurr will meet with Disneyland guests and sign a specially commissioned lithograph representing his own imaginative vision of a future Monorail. The lithograph retails for $95.

Animation Headline News

College Offers MFA in Computer Animation

International Fine Arts College, founded in 1965, has received approvalfrom the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities tooffer the Master of Fine Arts in Computer Animation. Classes will beginJanuary 2000. The Master of Fine Arts Degree in Computer Animation is astudio based, sixty credit program focusing on animation utilizing theSilicon Graphics platform with Alias|Wavefront Maya software. The AnimationStudio boasts 63 SGI O2s running the latest versions of Alias|Wavefront;

Spot Headline News

SimEx Continues Toucan Sam's Adventure

The adventures of Toucan Sam continue in a 30 second spot made by SimExDigital Studios for Leo Burnett/Chicago. The spot, entitled "Frog/Idol,"promotes Kellogg's Marshmallow Blasted Froot Loops.

"Frog/Idol" is a continuation of last summer's "Marshmallow Temple/ExtremeAdventure." In it, Toucan Sam falls through a temple floor into anunderwater cavern. There he discovers an enormous frog idol, and swims intoits mouth. Once he surfaces, a multitude of frog marshmallows jump towardshim.

Series Headline News

Archie on Pax TV

DIC Entertainment, a subsidiary of Disney, has sold two new animated seriesto Pax TV, a new family-oriented network in the US. "Archie's WeirdMysteries" and "Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century" will appear this Fallas part of the weekday "Pax Power Mystery Hour." "Archie's WeirdMysteries," a co-production with M6 France, is based on the long runningArchie comics series. In the series, a lab experiement goes awry, creatingsuch characters as a 50-foot Veronica, and Dr. Jughead and Mr. Hyde.

Headline News

RUGRATS Debuts on Video

The new Paramount Home Video release of THE RUGRATS MOVIE was the bestselling video in the US for the week ending April 4, 1999. RUGRATS out soldits nearest rivals, TAE-BO WORKOUT and MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, by about four toone. However, MULAN, which debuted on video in the US earlier this year,sold about 38% more copies during its debut week than RUGRATS sold duringits first week. RUGRATS was also released on DVD last week where it debutedat #2, just behind Buena Vista's THE WATERBOY with Adam Sandler.

Animation Headline News

Festival to show Pre-1950 American animation program

* Sunday, April 11. Richmond, Virginia, USA.

PRE-1950 AMERICAN ANIMATION will feature several gems including "Porky inWackyland," "Bimbo's Initiation," and Betty Boop in "Snow White." JanetScagnelli introduces the program which starts at 5pm at the James RiverFestival. TEL: (804) 355-1383. alsooffers further details.

Marvel Headline News

Marvel Gets Credit

Marvel Enterprises has secured a $60 million credit line from Citibank. This lends credence to rumors that it is interested in taking over Harvey Entertainment which owns the rights to many animated and comic book characters such as Casper the Friendly Ghost and Richie Rich. Three years ago, Marvel Entertainment Group filed for bankruptcy. Toy Biz, which had been a subsidiary, acquired the bankrupt Marvel Entertainment Group, then created Marvel Enterprises as the umbrella company.

Film Headline News

PDI Signs Don McBain

PDI has named producer/director Don McBain as Visual Effects Producer for its Commercial and Feature Film Effects Division. McBain's credits include Production Supervisor for the STARSHIP TROOPERS Miniature Unit, the crash sequence for MONEY TRAIN, and line producer/production manager for 25 projects at Sony Pictures Imageworks, as well as making the independent, experimental Imax film, FIRE.

Disney Headline News

Disney Promotes Pam Coats

Pam Coats has been promoted from producer to senior vice president of creative development at Walt Disney Feature Animation, making her the hightest ranked woman at Disney Animation.

Coats, who produced MULAN, will direct creative development of all projects in the studio's feature animation division. Her previous credits include producing the Roger Rabbit short, TRAIL MIX-UP, and executive producing the Mickey Mouse short, RUNAWAY BRAIN. She joined Disney feature animation in 1989.

Digital Headline News

New York Digital Salon Calls for Entries

The deadline for submissions for the 7th Annual New York Digital Salon is May 1, 1999. The competition consists of a gallery exhibition of prints, sculpture, CD-ROMs, and interactive installations; animation/digital video screenings; websites/internet-works; and a catalog of original essays on digital culture. For further information contact Kirsten Solberg, Director of the Digital Salon and Director of Operations for the MFA Computer Art Department, at (212) 592-2535 or by fax at (212) 592-2509. e-mail: sends e-mail)
