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Don't miss the 1999 San Diego Comic-Con

This year the San Diego Comic-Con International will be held August 12-15.Comic-Con is the largest convention of its kind. It features a huge comicbook, animation, film and related items marketplace, a slew of panels, andmany special guests. The special guests currently scheduled include NeilGaiman (SANDMAN), Mike Mignola (HELLBOY), Art Spiegelman (MAUS, RAW), JimSteranko (publisher of PREVUE, writer and artist of famous 1960's issues ofS.H.I.E.L.D. and CAPTAIN AMERICA), Dave Stevens (THE ROCKETEER), JillThompson (SCARY GODMOTHER), Gill Fox (Golden Age artist), Jerry Robinson(co-creator of The Joker), Paul Dini (BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES), JuneForay (voice artist for ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE and many other cartoons), andmany others. Many cartoons and movies will be shown, and there will beworkshops on animation design and writing. Ticket prices will increaseafter April 15 and again after July 2. For more information contactComic-Con International, P.O. Box 128458, San Diego, CA 92112-8458; USA.TEL: 1-619-491-2475; FAX: 1-619-544-0743. Also visit formore information.