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The Daffy Duck stamp arrives

Daffy Duck will finally get the respect he longs for on April 16 at 10am atthe Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood when a U.S. postage stamp isdedicated in his honor and "Daffy Duck Day" is declared in Hollywood tocommemorate the event. Johnny Grant, Ceremonial Mayor of Hollywood andChairman of the HollywoodWalk of Fame, will declare the day as "Daffy DuckDay" when he joins Tirso del Junco, M.D., member of the Postal Service'sBoard of Governors, and Dan Romanelli, President, Warner Bros. ConsumerProducts at the dedication event. The ceremony will take place in thecourtyard of Mann's Chinese Theater and will feature the stamp beingunveiled on the background of a world famous Hollywood Walk of Fame star.Daffy is the third Looney Tunes character to be featured on a U.S. stamp,joining his animated arch-rival, Bugs Bunny, and the loveable cat andcanary team of Sylvester & Tweety.

The 33-cent stamp features Daffy leaning against a rural mailbox with histrademark "that's despicable" look directed towards two letters in themailbox which have the Bugs Bunny and Sylvester & Tweety stamps affixed.More than four hundred million of the self-adhesive stamps have beenprinted.

Daffy Duck made his debut in the 1937 black-and-white cartoon "Porky's DuckHunt," directed by Tex Avery. A crazy little quacker who entertainsviewers with his child-likeinnocence, Daffy has become, over the years, abit more sophisticated and articulate as he tries to win fame and successat any cost.

A collectible pictorial cancellation commemorating the stamp dedicationwill be offered at the event. Customers have 30 days to obtain the firstday of issue postmark by mail.They may purchase the new stamps at theirlocal post office, affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, addressthe envelopes (to themselves and/or others), and place them in a largerenvelope addressed to:


After applying the first day of issue postmark, the PostalService returns the envelope through the mail. There is no charge for thepostmark. All orders must be postmarked by May 16, 1999. StampFulfillment Services also offers first day covers for new stamp issues andpostal stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issuecancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered inthe quarterly USA Philatelic catalog. Customers may request a free catalogby writing to:

INFORMATION FULFILLMENT, DEPT 6270, US POSTAL SERVICE, PO BOX 419014, KANSAS CITY, MO64141-6014, or by telephoning 1-800-STAMP-24. Callers outside the UnitedStates can call 816-545-1000 to place orders. However, it is not a tollfree call.