The next chapter of the hugely popular franchise follows the Snow Queen’s daughter, Ila, who, after she accidently unleashes evil forces must embark on an exciting adventure to save the world; the film hits theatres in Russia and CIS on May 26.
Russian studio Wizart Animation has just shared the first teaser for their new animated feature, The Snow Queen & The Princess - opening in theatres in Russia and CIS on May 26, 2022, followed by a global release. The film reveals the next chapter in the popular Snow Queen franchise, which first hit screens in December 2012 and has subsequently been released in more the 150 countries. Fans of the original movie will recognize original characters Gerda, Kai, and the Snow Queen; the film preserves the original’s storytelling charm paired with updated characters, designs, and 3DCG animation.
In the story, misbehaving little wizardess Ila, the Snow Queen’s daughter, accidentally frees the dangerous Icy Spirits from their centuries-long imprisonment in Lake Gao. Breaking free into the Mirrorlands, the spirits enter the peaceful and quiet town intending to freeze all its inhabitants. Ila realizes her mistake and travels to the outer world to ask Kai and Gerda for help. Together the heroes set off on an exciting adventure to save both the human world and the Mirrorlands. In this journey the little wizardess will learn to master her magic and overcome her childish whims, selfishness, and fears.
Check out the teaser trailer:
Produced by Vladimir Nikolaev (previous four Snow Queen features, Sheep and Wolves movies, Secret Magic Control Agency) the film is co-directed by Aleksey Tsitsilin (Netflix’s Secret Magic Control Agency, The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands) and Andrey Korenkov (The Tales of Wonder Keepers). Wizart Animation is handling international sales for The Snow Queen & The Princess, which has been picked up by KLB SAS (France and French-speaking territories in Europe and Africa), First Run (South Korea) and BG Film (Turkey).
Source: Wizart Animation