STUART OKEN has been promoted to the position of senior vice president ofcreative affairs for WALT DISNEY THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS. Oken joined WaltDisney Theatrical Productions in 1995, and has been closely involved withthe Tony Award-winning stage show, THE LION KING, and Elton John and TimRice's new musical, AIDA, set to premiere in Chicago in December 1999. . .TOM WILLIAMS, a 29-year company veteran and former president and chiefexecutive officer of Universal Studios Escape in Orlando, Florida, has beenpromoted to chairman and chief executive officer of UNIVERSAL STUDIOSRECREATION GROUP. Williams replaces Cathy Nichols, who has resigned topursue other interests. Prior to being named president and chief executiveofficer of Universal Studios Escape in April 1997, Williams served aspresident and chief operating officer of Universal Studios Florida. Hejoined Universal Studios Florida in 1987 as vice president of operations.