Virtual Reality Conference Appears In London

The Virtual Reality Conference to be held in London on Thursday, November 16 through Friday, November 17, 2000.

* Thursday, November 16 Friday, November 17, 2000. London, U.K.

The Virtual Reality Conference is geared to bring to light the advantages of virtual reality to a mass market. The conference will focus on the following: what are the uses of virtual reality?; what virtual reality products are currently being manufactured?; what are the key software and design issues within virtual reality?; how is virtual reality being deployed on the Internet?; what opportunities will digital TV offer deployment of virtual environments?; and what are the latest developments in virtual reality research? Speakers will include representatives from BBC Smart Venture, Durham University, Microsoft, ParallelGraphics and many more. For more information contact Access Conference International Ltd. at: 22-26 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TJ, U.K.; Tel.: ++44 (0)20 7840 2700; Fax: ++44 (0)20 7840 2701; or Web:

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Animation World Network
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