Having finished the successful Previs Committee, which spawned the new Previsualization Society, the ASC, ADG, VES and Previsualization Society will now embark on a new committee devoted to virtual production: an industry-wide working body that will explore how live-on-stage computer graphics will change future movie production.
Having finished the successful Previs Committee, which spawned the new Previsualization Society, the ASC, ADG, VES and Previsualization Society will now embark on a new committee devoted to virtual production: an industry-wide working body that will explore how live-on-stage computer graphics will change future movie production.
Chaired by David Morin (Autodesk consultant and co-chair of the Previs Committee) and co-chaired by Visual Effects Supervisor John Scheele, the Virtual Production Committee will explore the impact of AVATAR, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, TINTIN and others on production, workflow and job descriptions.
Like its previs predecessor, the committee will meet 12 times, report its findings to the member societies on an ongoing basis and publish its recommendations in a final report that will be delivered at the conclusion of the final meeting.
The announcement was made at Saturday's VES Production Summit, where Chair Jeff Okun added that VES participation still awaits final board approval.