Two new storyboarding books, STORYBOARDING 101: A CRASH COURSE IN PROFESSIONAL STORYBOARDING by James O. Fraioli and STORYBOARDS: MOTION IN ART, 2ND EDITION by Mark Simon, are currently on the shelves. STORYBOARDING 101 is written for individuals looking to break into storyboarding but don't know where to start. The book features concise information on both the mechanics of the art and how the business works. James O. Fraioli has storyboarded THE TEMP, WILD AMERICA, ACE VENTURA: WHEN NATURE CALLS and EIGHT HEADS IN A DUFFEL BAG. STORYBOARDS: MOTION IN ART, 2ND EDITION has 45 new chapters, more art and more exercises. The book also features an intriguing experiment, where 5 artists storyboard the same scene. Published by Focal Press, the new book offers 280 pages and over 900 pieces of art.