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Oui Oui To MIP TV!

MIP TV is the premiere television conference and market in the world. The six-day event brings together production companies and distributors from all over the globe. The conference includes a vast array of panels and round-table discussions with some of the world's top professionals. In 1999, MIP TV attracted 10,439 professionals from 2,565 companies from 94 countries, of which 1,170 were exhibiting companies from 50 different countries. This year MIP TV will be featuring a focus on the Internet and other related new technologies. Many of the discussions presented at MIP TV will center on the convergence of television with the Internet. Entitled MIPNET Day@MIP(link sends e-mail) TV, the event will be sponsored by Mediaplay International, a leading ITV consultant, in association with Variety Magazine and Razorfish, a leading digital solutions firm. President and CEO of Bertelsmann Broadband Group, Werner Lauff, will be giving the introductory keynote speech to start off MIPNET Day@MIP(link sends e-mail) TV. MIP TV is anticipating that nearly 40% of the participating companies at this year's market are either completely dedicated to new media or are involved in some way with the Web and new media technologies. The event will feature discussions on the future of digital media; the marketing and selling of cross media content; and pitch sessions with some of the top executives from the U.K., U.S. and Denmark.

Click here for a special MIP TV preview of animated programs offered by several production companies and distributors. First read what they are presenting and then check them out at MIP TV...

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
