TOPIX/Mad Dog has created the visual effects for a 30-second spot entitled, "Stuntman" for Clearnet Communications Inc. Highlighting their new wireless phone, Mike, the commercial is airing in Canada. The ad features a stuntman jumping from a building and making phone calls as he descends. Director Chris Wehfritz brought the spot to life without having a real stuntman jump from a building. Wehfritz took footage of a free-falling parachutist and rotoscoped each frame. "We had to separate the stuntman from the environment, erase the backpack, stabilize and reposition him in frame so that the "free-fall shots would blend seamlessly with the footage of the buildings, especially since the aerial photography was shot over land. It just goes to prove that there arent a lot of problems that we cant solve. All it takes is ingenuity, time and resources," said executive producer Sylvain Taillon. The spot was produced for Toronto-based Taxi Advertising.