TAIS, the Toronto Animated Image Society, will present the following events this Fall...
TAIS, the Toronto Animated Image Society, will present the following events this Fall: On October 4, Layout for Animation by Tony Tarantini, assistant director at Nelvana; On October 18, Storyboarding For Animation by Sam Agro, a freelance storyboard artist and an instructor at Studio M; On November 22, Short Attention Span Festival -- TAIS members Mike Constable and Jonathan Amitay have animated pieces in this festival of films that are two minutes or less in length; And on December 13, Stop-Motion Animation by Todd Peterson, who has worked for Cuppa Coffee and Will Vinton Studios. The Short Attention Span Festival will take place at the John Spotten Cinema, National Film Board Building, 150 John Street, with shows at 7 and 9 p.m. The other events will take place in room 308, Metro Hall, 55 John Street at 8 pm. For more information, visit the TAIS website, or call Patrick Jenkins at (416) 533-2440 or email him at pjenkins@interlog.com.