"Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Needs To Know,"was written by Jeremy Vineyard, a writer and director based in Los Angeles...
"Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Needs To Know,"was written by Jeremy Vineyard, a writer and director based in Los Angeles.This book is a virtual encyclopedia of creative camera set ups and movesevery filmmaker and cinema fan will want to own. Over 100 storyboards withsimple descriptions - especially designed for this book -- show filmmakers,home video buffs and cinema fans how to achieve an incredible number ofeffects, images, and compositions. In addition, there are over 135references to the great shots from your favorite movies including"Titantic," "Blade Runner," "Star Wars," "Vertigo," and more. A Double DayStage & Screen Book Club Selection. Available wordwide for $19.95 plus s/h.