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Store Special: Must Have Books for Beginning Animators

Now available in the AWN Store are four must have books for anybody interested in breaking into animation....

Must have books for everybody interested in breaking into the animationindustry. Now available in the AWN Store are four books on writing anddirecting, written by top industry professionals, such as Oscar winningfilmmaker Ernie Pintoff, who has received numerous awards including theWinsor McCay Award for lifetime achievement in the field of animation.

- "Animation 101" by Ernie Pintoff provides an introduction to this growing world-wide industry with insights from animation's legendary artistsincluding Stan Lee, Noel Blanc and more! $16.95 plus s/h.

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- "Film Directing: Shot by Shot" by Steven Katz is an international best seller with over 100,000 units sold, and is used by film and animationschools throughout the world. $24.95 plus s/h.

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- "Film Directing: Cinematic Motion" by Steven Katz is a great visual staging and blocking guide for directors and animators alike. A greatcompanion piece to Steven Katz's "Shot by Shot." $24.95 plus s/h.

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- "The Writer's Journey-2nd Edition" by Christopher Vogler. Tap into the power of mythology... This remarkable book will share storytellingtechniques used in the development of various movie hits including Beautyand the Beast, The Lion King, Star Wars, Titanic and more. $22.95 plus s/h.

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