Ring of Fire has finished two spots for Sonys Walkman entitled "Spaceship" and "Dorm." Both spots center around the space alien Plato. In "Spaceship" after downloading tunes onto his Sony Memory Stick Walkman, Plato fights Los Angeles traffic in his shuttle on his way to his new college. In "Dorm," Plato enters his room after a shower to find that his female over-night visitor loves the mini disk of songs Plato has made her on his MiniDisk Walkman. Ring of Fire used Discreet Logic inferno*, Quantel Henry, Mac and NT workstations to blend the live-action puppet alien into his CGI spaceship and live-action world. Jerry Spivack served as creative director and Henry artist for Ring of Fire. Epoch Films Phil Morrison directed the live-action. The spot was produced for ad agency Young & Rubicam. Currently, Ring of Fire is working on two more spots featuring Plato, which will air in the fall.