On March 24, 2002 at the brand new Kodak Theater inHollywood, California, the Academy of Motion PictureArts and Sciences announced the winners of thisyear's Oscars. For the very first time, an award wasgiven in the category Best Animated Feature, and thewinner was DreamWorks SHREK. Taking home the prizefor Best Animated Short was Pixars FOR THE BIRDS. Another animated film was represented when Randy Newman won the Oscar for Best OriginalSong for the MONSTERS, INC. theme If I Didnt HaveYou.
While A BEAUTIFUL MIND won four of the big awards of thenight -- Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress and BestAdapted Screenplay -- the first installment of the filmadaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy epic THE LORDOF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING took homefour Oscars as well, winning for Best Visual Effects, BestMake-Up, Best Cinematography and Best OriginalScore. Congratulations to all the winners!
In addition, the results are in for Animation WorldNetwork's Oscar Review reader poll. We hope youvisited each nominee that was featured in The 2002 AWNOscar Showcase. If you didn't then take a few momentsto see them now!
For the fifth year running, Animation World Network'svoters have chosen the same short film winner as theAcademy!
An overwhelming 65% of all AWN voters predicted FORTHE BIRDS would take home the Oscar, while 14% votedfor FIFTY PERCENT GREY, followed by 8% for STRANGEINVADERS, 7% for STUBBLE TROUBLE and 6% for GIVE UPYER AUL SINS.
Unlike the animated short category, all Academymembers are eligible to vote in the new category ofBest Animated Feature. Perhaps this is why our readersdid not predict a win by last summer's blockbuster hitSHREK. With 35% of the vote, the Oscar winner came insecond in our unofficial poll. 55% of AWN voterspicked MONSTERS, INC. to be the winner with JIMMYNEUTRON: BOY GENIUS in third with 10%.