Screamline Rendering Services, provided by Intel's Internet Computing Services, is offering the 3D animation and visual effects community a special trial of their Web-based rendering services and project management software. Those wanting to take advantage of this free trial offer can download a copy of the JobAnalyst management tool from the Screamline Website. Then, at no cost, rendering projects can be uploaded and artists can enjoy free rendering services for the first 1000 frames of their work. Robert J. McLaurin, general manager for Internet Computing Services, highlighted the simplicity of the Screamline service model, "We make it very easy to send jobs in for rendering and retrieve them using existing Internet connections. There are no long-term contracts, so customers can submit jobs to the render farm on an as-needed basis and know up-front what the job will cost." Unlike other Web-based rendering services the Screamline service charges by frames and not its estimated run time -- an advance made possible by the JobAnalyst project management application. The JobAnalyst software is designed to run on customers' own workstations. To download and try Screamline's new service, visit