Marketing agency Pimento re-launches the Holiday Inn brand this week to an audience of more than 2,500 delegates at IHG's (InterContinental Hotel Group) Pan European conference at Farnborough 5, the new purpose build exhibition and conference venue at Farnborough International Airport in Hampshire.
The week-long series of conferences every April brings together owners and investors, general managers, sales and marketing executives and senior staff from IHG, its hotels and franchises at this IHG EMEA world event.
Rushes was approached by Pimento to create a centerpiece 12 1/2 minute cinematic journey entitled TIME TUNNEL EXPERIENCE that traces the history of the Holiday Inn brand from its inception in middle America in the 1950s through to present day.
The film skillfully juxtaposes the iconic events of each decade with the changes and development of the Holiday Inn brand using a different design style to reflect the advances and trends of each decade.
This complex piece was projected onto a 48 x 9 screen using HD technology and surround sound for an encompassing visual and aural experience. It was prepared for projection as a 5376 x 1080 film by Rushes' Motion Graphics Team lead by Matt Lawrence, assisted by Brad Le Riche and Costas Charitou using After Effects and Cinema 4D as the primary designing and compositing system.
The 90-second opener and 60-second teaser were both animated and designed by Brad Le Riche at Rushes using After Effects, utilizing titles and 2D graphic interpretations of the IHG brand identity and the EMEA Farnborough design styles.
The films were completed over a six-week period. The opener was completed at a size of 7484 pixels x 1080 pixels and is to be projected at a size of 19 .5 meters x 2.8 meters.
Title: TIME TUNNEL EXPERIENCEProduct: Holiday Inn and International Hotel Group (IHG)Agency: PimentoAgency Producer: Andrew SmithProduction Company: A-VisionCreative Director: Andrew SmithDirector: Andrew SmithProducer: Camilla BywaterPost Facility: RushesRushes Producer: Carl Grinter3D Animation and Graphics: Matt LawrenceAfter Effects: Matt Lawrence, Brad Le Riche, Costas Charitou