This month: Licensing And Merchandising.
As the holidays approach our minds turn to licensing and merchandising andwhat is going to be on the shelves this winter. In this issue TarletonGillespie takes us on a trip through Toys R Us to determine the meaning oftoys to kids. The French licensing and merchandising market is detailed byValerie Rivoallon. Sharon Schatz profiles toon loving Rhino Records andKaren Raugust looks at how "Sesame Street's" content changes as the popularshow travels around the world. "Toy Wishes" predicts this year's top dozenholiday toys, and Jacquie Kubin profiles the new "smart toys" which willsoon be interacting with a child near you. Joseph Szadkowski talks aboutSega's new system, Dreamcast, as well.
Robert Story continues with his tales of Bob Clampett and Beany and Cecil,and J.B. Kaufman kicks off a series about the new "Fantasia 2000." JayantiSen discusses India's animation past and growing future and Glenn Vilppucontinues his online life drawing course. Plus, Karl Cohen interviewsanimation art collector Michael Glad. We are also starting an exciting newmonthly column, where Maureen Furniss reviews the latest short films fromthe festival circuit. Every film reviewed has a Quicktime clip accompanyingit!
A full Table of Contents is available at
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