We are now publishing new articles every week with the samethoughtful and comprehensive coverage of the animation industryyou've come to expect on the first of every month...
We are now publishing new articles every week with the samethoughtful and comprehensive coverage of the animation industryyou've come to expect on the first of every month, including specialfeatures and theme-based articles. This month we are focusing onrecruiting and jobs.
New articles this week:
- Choose Your Software Wisely, by John Edgar Park
Which 3D packages will get you work and which ones will leave youfeeling unwanted? You better choose carefully and John Edgar Park ishere to help you out with the decision.
- Time To Get Some Training, by John Edgar Park
So, you've chosen your software program. What now? Well, there are afew different ways to approach training as John Edgar Park explains.
- Having What It Takes: A Recruiting Survey, by Joan Kim
What are the most important elements to have on your resume? Hearsome responses and insights from the folks that do the hiring aboutwhat's crucial to be a strong contender in this tough market. JoanKim reports.