New Jobs: Animators, Architectural Animators, Character Animators And More...

Beverly Hills, California's Batia and Aleeza, Inc. are looking for a WEB SITE DESIGNER...Bangalore, India's E-3Dimensions is seeking a CHARACTER ANIMATION EXPERT ON MAYA... Johnson City, Tennessee's East Tennessee State University has a tenure-track assistant professor position available for a HYPERMEDIA DESIGN INSTRUCTOR...Oslo, Norway's Filmkameratene AS, a leading independent production company, is looking for a TECHNICAL DIRECTOR...Hoffman Estates, Illinois' High Voltage Software, a video game developer, is looking for an ANIMATOR/ARTIST who can do both high and low poly characters...London, UK's ITS, an entertainment company, is looking for an ILLUSTRATOR/ARTIST...North Adams, Massachusetts' Kleiser-Walczak is looking for an ARCHITECTURAL MAYA MODELER...Burbank, California's Modern VideoFilm is looking for a CHARACTER ANIMATOR and a TECHNICAL DIRECTOR for an all CGI television project...New York, New York's PMSI Publishing & Media Recruiting is seeking a SENIOR BOOK DESIGNER for work designing covers and interior texts of children's books...Montreal, Canada's Polyester Media is looking for an ANIMATOR for work on a mixed media interactive animated series...Savannah, Georgia's Savannah College of Art and Design is looking for a PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER ARTS...Rome, Italy's Scorpion Systems, a visual effects company, is looking for a MAYA SUPER EXPERT MODELLER / ANIMATOR and a VISUAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR... Sunset Studios is looking for a COMIC BOOK ARTIST, FLASH ANIMATER / CHARACTER ANIMATOR, SKILLED 2D COMPOSITOR and SKILLED 3D MODELLER...Westmount, Canada's Tooncan is looking for a DESIGN SUPERVISOR...Los Angeles, California's Tsoobick International is looking for a COLOR PRO to color pre-drawn characters for printing...Manila, Philippines' VirtualMagic Asia is looking for a MANAGER OF 2D DIGITAL to manage the digital ink, paint and compositing operation...Cologne, Germany's Vision Unlimited is seeking an ARCHITECTURAL ANIMATOR and a JUNIOR COMPOSITOR.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.

Dan Sarto's picture

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.