Barcelona, Spain's Acció is looking for a 2D ANIMATOR to work onfeature films. . . New York, New York's C-Traze Studios, a TV filmproduction company, is looking for a SALES ASSOCIATE. . . Miami,Florida's Demand Creation, Inc. is looking for a CONTRACT ANIMATOR tocreate 25 to 50 new clips per month. . . Greensburg, Pennsylvania'sDreamForge Intertainment is looking for a MODELER/TEXTURE ARTIST towork on an action/adventure Xbox title. . . North Hollywood, California'sFilm Roman/LEVEL13.NET is looking for a WEBMASTER to be responsiblefor and LEVEL13.NET site maintenance, administrationand development. . . Winter Park, Florida's Full Sail Real WorldEducation is looking for a CAREER PLACEMENT ADVISOR. . . Vancouver,Canada's GPE is looking for a SENIOR ANIMATOR for upcoming episodeand feature projects. . . San Rafael, California's Industrial Light &Magic (ILM) is looking for a CREATURE DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL TRAINERto train new and current CG artists in Softimage, Alias, Maya,Matador and proprietary tools. . . London, United Kingdom's ITS islooking for an ILLUSTRATOR/ARTIST. . . Munich, Germany's Munich AnimationFilm GmbH is looking to fill ALL POSITIONS to work on their nextfeature, "The Jester Till". . . Baltimore, Maryland's Screen ArtsAnimation is looking for a DIGITAL COMPOSITOR to work on a pilot. . . NewYork, New York's Stretch Films, Inc. is looking for a COLORIST towork on the television series COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG. . . Sucker PunchProductions is looking for a 3D MODELER to work on character-basedgames. . . Irvington, New York's TimeLine Video is looking for anANIMATOR. . . New York, New York's Twinkle is looking for an ANIMATIONSALES DIRECTOR. . . Paul Wagner's World Media Arts is looking for a FLASHANIMATOR to help create a Flash demo.
For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN'sCareer Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.