The new adult animated series follows Carol, a quiet and uncomfortable woman who, faced with the demise of humanity, stands alone lost among the hedonistic masses, streaming globally December 15.
Netflix shared the official trailer and key art for its new adult 2D animated limited series Carol & The End of The World. The 10-episode series, created by Dan Guterman (The Colbert Report, Community, Rick and Morty), premieres globally on December 15.
The series follows one quiet and always uncomfortable woman lost among the hedonistic masses. While a mysterious planet hurtles towards Earth, threatening humanity’s imminent extinction, most people feel liberated, free to pursue their wildest dreams. But not Carol; she stands alone.
The cast includes Martha Kelly (Euphoria, Baskets) as the titular character Carol, alongside Beth Grant (No Country For Old Men, The Mindy Project); Lawrence Pressman (Reboot, Magnum PI, Modern Family); Kimberly Hébert Gregory (Craig of the Greek, Vice Principals); Mel Rodriguez (Onward, Last Man On Earth, Getting On); Bridget Everett (Somebody Somewhere, Patti Cake$); Michael Chernus (Severance, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Dead Ringers); and Delbert Hunt (Monster High, Super Giant Robot Brothers, Justice League: Cosmic Chaos).
Watch the official trailer:
Guterman and Donick Cary (The Simpsons, Parks and Recreation, Silicon Valley) are executive producers, with Kevin Arrieta (Wilfred, The Last O.G.) as co-executive producer. Bardel Entertainment produces the animation.
Source: Netflix