The M.P.S.C. Local 839 IATSE, the labor union for screen cartoonists
and CGI artists and technicians in southern California, has updated
their AWN page with the latest wage survey and August 2000 edition of
their newsletter, The Peg-Board...
The M.P.S.C. Local 839 IATSE, the labor union for screen cartoonists
and CGI artists and technicians in southern California, has updated
their AWN page with the latest wage survey and August 2000 edition of
their newsletter, The Peg-Board. Local 839's annual wage survey is
based on data anonymously reported by its members, giving an
indication of the "going rates" for various animation jobs. This
year, for the first time, the web site listing includes data sorted
by employer as well as the summary by job category. The wage survey
can be found at
In the August 2000
issue of The Peg-Board: Local 839 Announces
Dot-Com Agreement; From The President; Writers' Caucus Hosts
President Sito; From The Business Representative; $3 Mil In Training
Funds For Screen Cartoonists; Negotiations Update; Getting Help When
The Chips Are Down; The Rumor Mill; Support Group For Animation
People; At The Water-Cooler; In The News; and In Memoriam.