Malaysian animation studio creates animated PSAs using ‘BoBoiBoy,’ their popular animated franchise.
Monsta, the Malaysian animation studio behind the popular BoBoiBoy animated franchise, has released a series of public service announcement (PSA) videos, featuring their popular animated duo Papa Pipi, that educate young children and families about the dangers of COVID-19. The company took the initiative after the Malaysian government implemented a nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) on March 18, 2020 which resulted in the closure of schools and offices, in response to the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak.
The first video titled Stay Put! Avoid COVID-19! focuses on the importance of staying at home, while the second video, titled Special Message: Movement Control Order, addresses issues facing viewers during the MCO, such as panic buying and making informed purchases.
Monsta also released a catchy new song titled Let’s Wash Our Hands to encourage children to regularly wash their hands in a fun and entertaining way.
The campaign started on March 19, 2020 and was well received by the public. To date, the videos have garnered more than 3 million views on digital platforms. The videos were shared on the official social media pages of the Malaysian Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, the Ministry of Education, and even broadcast on TV stations in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.
The PSA videos were uploaded to the Monsta Youtube Network which boasts more than 9 million subscribers from 70 countries around the world. They were released in the Malay language, with English subtitles.
Seeing the potential to help educate and spread awareness to a larger audience, Monsta is translating the PSAs into multiple languages, to be shared with viewers across the globe. As COVID-19 continues to affect the lives of people around the world, Monsta sees it as their social responsibility to do their part in helping fight the COVID-19 infection.
Watch the PSAs below:
‘Stay Put! Avoid COVID-19!’
‘Special Message: Movement Control Order’
‘Let’s Wash Our Hands’
Source: Monsta