Mondo Media, one of the Bay Area's largest independent animation studios,is looking for TRADITIONAL 2D CHARACTER ANIMATORS and DIRECTORS who areinterested in participating in the creation of original on-lineentertainment. The Mondo Mini Shows are currently featured on Netscape'sNetcenter,, and Altavista, as well as other affiliate sites.Contract and staff positions available. Job Requirements: Traditionalcharacter animation experience; Timing; Poses; Knowledge of basicprinciples of animation; Strong storytelling skills; Basic understanding ofediting and layout; Demonstrated ability to draw and conceptualize invarious styles as well as mimic an already established style; Plus, goodinterpersonal skills and ability to work in a team. Understanding andexperience of Macromedia's Flash a very strong plus.
For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's CareerConnections, the online Animation Job Fair, at