The M.P.S.C. Local 839 IATSE, the labor union for screen cartoonists
and CGI artists and technicians in southern California, has updated
their site with the May 2000 edition of their newsletter, The
The M.P.S.C. Local 839 IATSE, the labor union for screen cartoonists
and CGI artists and technicians in southern California, has updated
their site with the May 2000 edition of their newsletter, The
Peg-Board. In the May 2000 issue
of THE PEG-BOARD: You May Get Work
With One Meatball; From the President; From the Business
Representative; More Animated Features Than Ever; Q & A; Pension
Increases For New Retirees; Actors Hit The Bricks; At The Water
Cooler; Stop Before You Hurt Yourself! [cartoon]; and In Memoriam.