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‘Masha and the Bear’ Now Free to Air Everywhere

Award-winning animated series dominates online and on major free-to-air channels across the globe, including Continental Europe, French Canada, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan and the MENA region.

Smash hit animation Masha and the Bear continues to reel in viewers around the world, with a raft of big broadcasting deals giving the show free to air coverage in Europe, Asia and North America. Ink Global represents Masha and the Bear in the broadcasting and licensing sectors

The show, named best animation in the Creative Talent category at the 2015 Kidscreen Awards, is dominating the schedules through major free to air channels across the globe. This includes the whole of continental Europe, through stations such as Europe DR (Denmark), VRT (Benelux), France 5 (France), RAI (Italy),), Nova TV (Croatia), and TVP (Poland). Elsewhere, broadcasters include EBS (South Korea), Tele Quebec (French Canada), MOMO TV (Taiwan), ABC (Australia), and Spacetoon (MENA).

Masha is also a massive hit on YouTube, with one episode, “Masha and the Porridge,” recently hitting the 1 billion views mark, making it one of only twenty videos ever to achieve the feat.

“Millions of children know and love Masha thanks to a simple recipe, funny, original and engaging storylines combined with beautiful animation. This makes a show that works in any culture and language, so it’s no surprise that free to air coverage is expanding so quickly. The whole world wants Masha!” said Ink Global Director Claus Tømming.

Source: Ink Global