Luxion strengthens its real-time rendering and lighting simulation focus with patent on industry-leading HDR technology.
After first filing for protection of the intellectual property on March 2012, Luxion’s integration of high dynamic range (HDR) image editing within KeyShot provided users of the software the ability to edit an HDR image, which represents omni-directional, real-world environment lighting, by easily adding and adjusting lights while seeing the results instantly in real-time within KeyShot. Additionally, users are able to modify the HDR image, adding highlights to their model, by simply selecting the area of the model to be lit.
“Creating, modifying or adjusting image-based lighting has always been difficult in, or disconnected from, rendering software,” says Claus Wann Jensen, CEO and Co-founder at Luxion. “This solution not only provides a new method for adding and adjusting light, but also provides instant visualization of the light in the model environment.”
This patent is added to three of Luxion’s current patents for material templates for automatic assign- ment of materials, animation of 3D models using offset transforms and the rendering of interactive 3D model representations.
KeyShot is the fastest real-time rendering solution with advanced lighting capabilities, and is positioned in the industry as the most accurate and easiest to use 3D rendering and animation system for all visuali- zation needs. With CPU-based speed and workflow integration that bests the competition, the ability to create high quality visuals for product design, automotive, engineering, architecture, entertainment and marketing cannot be beat. To experience KeyShot, please visit here.
Source: Luxion