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London International Advertising Awards Puts The Spotlight On Spots

* Monday, November 13, 2000. London, U.K.

The 15th Annual London International Advertising Awards will showcase the best in the world of advertising. The competition takes entries from interactive media, package design, radio, print and television/cinema. This years jury chairman for the print, radio and television/cinema division will be commercial director Trevor Beattie. The chairman for the interactive jury will be David Streek of Deepend Design. Last year the awards had 17,226 entries from 84 countries. For more information contact: in New York Tel.: (212) 681-8844; Fax: (212) 681-8309; or E-mail:; or in London Tel.: ++44-207-734-0682; Fax: ++44-207-494-0236; or E-mail:

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks