Animated ‘Trash Cat’ short and filmmaker Kelsey Goldych join weekly half-hour student film showcase series.
SAN FRANCISCO -- Northern California public media organization KQED has acquired Kelsey Goldych’s animated short, Trash Cat, for the upcoming season of Film School Shorts slated to premiere in September 2016.
Goldych is a San Diego-based director and writer who graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in animation. Screening in the Animated Shorts Competition at SXSW 2016, Trash Cat will air as part of the half-hour weekly series that showcases short student films from across the country. The short film tells the story of a feisty kitty getting into the ultimate mischief.
“For animation students at SCAD, our final project is to make a short film, so that's how Trash Cat came about,” Goldych says. “I knew I wanted to make something about a girl and her cat, and I think I got lucky enough to have a lot of personal experience with that. The film is inspired by a lot of similar shenanigans my own cat pulls and I think you can see a lot of her personality shine through in the film's main star. It was great to be able to work with such a talented cast and crew. The film would not be what it is without them!”
“I've seen it twice and just want to keep watching!” says Film School Shorts associate producer Julia Shackelford. “A perfect slice of life with a furry friend.”
Source: KQED