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Instructors announced at DHIMA/AIA Westside for January classes

LA training center DHIMA/AIA Westside announces new instructors for their January classes...

Los Angeles-based training center Associate in Arts Westside, is pleased toannounce the instructor for Advanced/Organic Modeling will be DanielSzecket. The format for this class is 10 weeks total time, 5 classes everyother Saturday morning; emphasis will be on PowerAnimator and how PAtechniques relate in Maya. Szecket has just come off the "Dinosaurs"project at Disney as Digital Sculptor and CG Modeler. He has extensiveexperience through his eight years at Alias|Wavefront as a trainer andapplications engineer. Scott Peningroth will be teaching the 10 week MayaBasic Modeling class Monday nights. Peningroth is a trainer at Rhythm &Hues. For a detailed schedule and registration, call (310) 899 9377, ore-mail