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Imagina 2000, the rendez-vous for all Digital A/V Professionals.

The Imagina computer conference and festival is often referred to as theEuropean equivalent to SIGGRAPH. For its 19th edition, in keeping withtradition, the event will start in Monaco, January 31-February 2, 2000, butwill then continue in Paris February 2-4, 2000 with the exhibition of newindustrial developments and technologies. The events in Monaco include the"Prix Pixel-INA" awards competition, the Innovation Space, and variousconferences and panel discussions such as "2D/3D Animation," a discussionmoderated by AWN; "Special Effects: Invisible or Explosive;" "From GameDesign to Interactive Filming;" "From Web Pages to Web Programs;" and more.Panel participants will represent leading companies such as Digital Domain,Duboi, Kleiser Walzack, Silicon Graphics, Sony Pictures Imageworks, TippetStudio, Walt Disney Feature Animation, and ZA Productions. A two-daysymposium will present the latest research in the cinema, broadcasting andmultimedia arenas. For program information and registration forms, visit:

This year, Imagina is collaborating with FIFI (Festival International duFilm de l'Internet) to open their competition up to animation createdspecifically for the Internet. The deadline for submissions is December 15,1999. Participation forms are available on the FIFI site.
