INDUSTRIAL LIGHT & MAGIC has hired ANDY HENDRICKSON as director of systemsdevelopment, and promoted DAN MCNAMARA to director of film and editorialservices. Hendrickson returns to ILM after two years, following a stint asthe Director of Computer Systems at San Francisco-based Advanced PathologySystems. In his new role, Hendrickson will be working with the architectureof existing digital infrastructure systems at ILM, as well as shaping thefuture innovations in this area. In addition, he will be primarilyresponsible for structuring and maintaining relationships with ILM'shardware vendors. Hendrickson originally joined Lucas Digital's SkywalkerSound in 1990, shortly after graduating from U.C. Berkeley with anundergraduate degree in physics. Dan McNamara has a long history with ILM,beginning in 1991 when he joined the company as an editor in the commercialproductions division. McNamara began his career at One Pass Video, as acolorist and telecine technical supervisor. In his role as Director of Filmand Editorial Services, McNamara oversees all film scanning, recording andeditorial needs for feature and commercial projects. In addition, he isresponsible for assessing new product and editorial vendor relationships.