I3A (the International Imaging Industry Association; http://www.i3a.org), the leading global association for the imaging industry, today announced that Google (http://www.google.com/corporate/) has joined the non-profit organization at the Participating level of membership.
Press Release from I3A
WAKEFIELD, Mass. – Dec. 1, 2009 – I3A (the International Imaging Industry Association; http://www.i3a.org), the leading global association for the imaging industry, today announced that Google (http://www.google.com/corporate/) has joined the non-profit organization at the Participating level of membership.
I3A also announced that Google and existing member Microsoft Corporation (http://microsoft.com) will take part in its groundbreaking Camera Phone Image Quality Initiative (CPIQ; http://www.i3a.org/technologies/mobile-imaging/cpiq/). Open enrollment for CPIQ's Phase 3 is set to close on December 4, and all interested companies are urged to sign up. I3A membership is a prerequisite for joining CPIQ.
"We're very excited about having Google as a Participating member, and we look forward to experiencing the energy and fresh thinking the company can bring to the table for I3A activities and programs," said I3A President Lisa Walker. "I am also particularly pleased that Google and Microsoft are joining the other CPIQ members to help accomplish the important goals of the Initiative's final critical phase, which will develop and deliver a much-needed consumer-facing system for evaluating the image quality delivered by mobile devices."
Building on the accomplishments of CPIQ Phases 1 and 2, I3A members participating in CPIQ Phase 3 include Aptina Imaging, CDM Optics, Inc., DxO Labs, Eastman Kodak Company, FUJIFILM Corporation, Motorola, Inc, Nokia Corporation, OmniVision Technologies, Inc., Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, STMicroelectronics, ST Ericsson and VistaPoint Technologies. Together, these industry leaders will create the remaining essential metrics needed to produce an accurate and repeatable testing program for camera phone image quality.
The CPIQ group’s ultimate goal is to deliver a consumer-oriented rating system for camera phone images. The rating system will provide a tool for translating and distilling the complex set of measurements and tests into a rating that consumers can quickly and easily understand. In addition to the technical work, the initiative group will work to build awareness and encourage industry-wide adoption of the CPIQ deliverables by the mobile imaging industry. The seven technical papers developed by CPIQ to date are available from I3A's Resources Store, located at http://www.i3a.org/resources.
I3A members are drawn from all sectors of the imaging industry, and they include many household-name multi-nationals as well as small innovative technology companies – see the full list at http://www.i3a.org/about-i3a/member-listing/. Three levels of membership are available; more information can be found at http://www.i3a.org/join. Participating members are now eligible for nomination to a seat on the I3A Board of Directors.
To increase member involvement with the Board, I3A also recently created a Board Advisory Council, composed of representatives from Participating member companies. For more information or to inquire about being part of the Advisory Council, write to nominating@lists.i3a.org.
About the International Imaging Industry Association (I3A)
I3A's vision is to enable the use of imaging to simplify and enrich people's lives through visual experiences that connect generations, communities, information and services. I3A drives the global imaging industry toward this future by bringing members together to create standards and collaborate on initiatives that advance the industry and remove barriers to growth.
I3A is an accredited Standards Developing Organization, serving as Secretariat for the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 42 (ISO/TC42) on Photography, and as administrator for the USA Technical Advisory Group for this committee. Information about I3A can be found at http://www.i3a.org