Holland Hands Out Its Awards

The Holland Animation Film Festival concluded its five-day festival with the presentation of its awards. This year's event was the first to hand out an award for independent animation films. With this competition, the festival sets out to promote the short, artistic animation film, and, as a result, encourage media attention toward independent animation. This year's student jury included: Joan Ashworth (animation filmmaker, England), Henk Beumers (animation filmmaker, the Netherlands) and Menno de Nooijer (animation filmmaker, the Netherlands). The applied animation jury included: Mikhail Aldashin (animation filmmaker, Russia), Ron Diamond (producer, Acme Filmworks, U.S.A.), Marc Glassman (journalist, Canada), Han Hoogerbrugge (plastic artist and Flash animator, the Netherlands) and Piet Schreuders (graphic designer, the Netherlands). The independent shorts jury included: Pierre Hébert (animation filmmaker, Canada), Jerzy Kucia (animation filmmaker, Poland), Anatoly Prokhorov (producer, Pilot Moscow Animation Studio, Russia), Marjut Rimminen (animation filmmaker, England) and Rob Stevenhagen (animation filmmaker, the Netherlands). The festival took place from Wednesday, November 15 to Sunday, November 19, 2000 in Utrecht, Holland. For more information on the festival and its winners visit the Holland Animation Film Festival Website. Below is a complete list of winners.

Competition For Student Films

First Prize: CHAY ABAH. Sander Alt Second Prize: CONCERN. Marc Roels Third Prize: GRENOUILLE? Alexander Beun Voor

Competition For Applied Animation

Guilty Pleasures (In Holland jury members get to choose their favorite): Mikhail Aldashin: SUITMAN: WENS. Koji Yamamura Ron Diamond: GOODNIGHT, CHILDREN. Yuri Norstein Marc Glassman: KAZUYOSHI NAKAMURA: JUBILEE. Koji Yamamura Han Hoogerbrugge: ANOUK: THE DARK. Rosto A.D Piet Schreuders: "Natwest: Escape." Vehicle

Golden Pegbars: First Prize Educational Films "Science Please: Le Moteur à Explosion (The Internal Combustion Engine)." Sylvain Charbonneau

First Prize Music Videos: FREUNDESKREIS: ESPERANTO. Jürgen Haas

First Prize Commercials: "Nestea Cool: Closed." Dave Borthwick

First Prize Leaders: "Steam Kakaricyo: Noodle." Hiroyuki Nakao

First Prize Campaign: "Steam Kakaricyo: Duel, Noodle, Yozora." Hiroyuki Nakao

Grand Prix: "Metetra: = Equal." Hitoshi Suenaga

Competition For Independent Shorts

Grand Prix Narrative Films: FATHER AND DAUGHTER. Michael Dudok Wit

Grand Prix Non-Narrative Films: #11, MAREYMOIRÉ. Joost Rekveld

Special mentions: GRACE. Lorelei Pepi THE MAN WITH THE BEAUTIFUL EYES. Jonathan Hodgson FLYING NANSEN. Igor Kovalyov

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
