European Commission Approves Tax Credits for Game Production

Following a year-long inquiry, the European Commission has accepted a French proposal to grant tax credits specifically dedicated to videogame production. The measure, which could take effect as early as Jan. 1, 2008, signals the EC's recognition of videogames as a cultural industry.

The decision is the result of work started several years ago by the French Multimedia Producers Association (APOM), which has actively campaigned since 2002 to win recognition for videogame production as a cultural activity and to institute policies to promote French production in the highly competitive industry. To benefit the French videogames sector within the shortest possible time, the text of a law passed in the French parliament last January will have to be amended to take into account certain modifications demanded by the European Commission.

Founded in 2002, APOM is a nonprofit organization that includes 90 videogame production studios in France. Its goal is to stimulate and develop a competitive French videogames sector that is both competitive at a global level and recognized as a producer of cultural content. APOM is also a founding member of EGDF, a group of more than 500 European videogame production studios.
