EAM on Tour in Finland

The deadline for registration for the European Animation Masterclass, to be held in Helsinki, Finland February 23-24, is February 10, 2012.

Announcement from IAMA:

Halle (Saale)/Helsinki-Vantaa, FINLAND -- On February 23 and 24, 2012, The International Academy of Media and Arts (IAMA) and Finnanimation will host a European Animation Masterclass in the Finnish capital of Helsinki. The animation workshop takes a close look on international co-productions in Europe and Asia.

Among the renowned course instructors are Mike Robinson (UK, chairperson at Cartoon Forum 2011), Petteri Pasanen (Finland, CEO Anima Vitae Ltd.), Virve Vicky Schroderus (Finland, Acquisition Executive YLE TV2-Finnish Broadcasting Company), as well as Nicole Keeb (Germany, ZDF, Head of International Coproductions, Development and Acquisitions).

The participation fee is EUR 300,00. Three scholarships are offered to junior/up-and-coming producers as well as applicants from the new EU Member States and Croatia. Participation is free also for IAMA members and their staff.

The deadline for registration is February 10, 2012. Visit http://www.iama-halle.de/nc/en/academy/news/news/article/eam-on-tour-in-europas-norden-im-februar-2012/ for additional information and registration forms.

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.
