Discreet & Mobile Game Launch 3D Mobile Gaming Competition

International 3D Mobile Gaming CompetitionWorld Wide WebJuly 31, 2004Deadline: March 31, 2004

Discreet and Mobile Game have launched the first international 3D mobile gaming competition. With more than $50,000 worth value in prizes to be awarded, this contest will enable independent mobile gaming artists or developers, traditional PC/console game developers and 3D freelance to carry out their creative concepts for mobile games. This international competition is supported by Discreet, Nokia, Orange, In-fusio, Fathammer, IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, Criterion, Ideaworks3D and Kaolink.

Targeting 3D as well as 2.5D mobile gaming, the contest is divided into two main categories -- Downloadable or Non-Downloadable mobile games -- that will focus on exploiting the newest, cutting-edge technologies and gaming hardware handsets-from current phones to the Nokia N-Gage platform, high-end next generation phones and Java phones. Dependent on specific needs, winning entries will receive prizes that will assist in co-development and co-production of their project. In addition, the best concept developers will receive tool kits for their development. For more information, visit www.3dmobilegamingcontest.com.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
