Digital Film @ The Moving Picture Company has completed the opening title sequence for LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS-director Guy Ritchie's new gangster film, SNATCH. The titles, created by Digital Film and designed by So, a division of Picasso Pictures, depict the main characters in the movie. Spinning and strobing images, glimpses, flashes, quick cuts, flipped images, jump frames and freeze frames were added to create a hard-edged look for the opening. The title team was made up of producer Kristin Emblem; supervising compositors Ed Hawkins and Tom Wood; compositors Greg Salter, Paul Conway and Jelena Stojanovic; Inferno artist Mark Stannard; and Telecine artist Jean-Clement Soret. SNATCH is distributed by Columbia TriStar and will be released in U.K. theaters on September 1, 2000.