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The December Issue of Animation World Magazine is now on-line!

This month Animation World Magazine is taking a special focus on AsianAnimation, especially Japan. Kosei Ono profiles Japanese artist, TadahitoMochinaga, and Gigi Hu introduces us to two of Japan's leading independentfilmmakers. A group of key creative talent from Blue Sky Studios recentlytoured Japan and have provided us with a scrapbook of photos and stories.Andrew Osmond takes an indepth look at the impact Japanese animation ishaving on animation made outside of Japan and we begin the first in aseries about India's growing animation business.

As for location-based entertainment, this issue highlights Universal's"Terminator 2 in 3D" attraction and features Simex, a production companywell versed in creating films for specialty venues. Plus, Charles Solomondiscusses "Fantasia 2000's 'Rhapsody in Blue'" sequence in depth. AdamSnyder focuses on studios animating in the Eastern block, and ValérieRivoallon profiles L'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel or INA. As aspecial treat, Karl Cohen is visiting Pixar to meet the talent andtechnology behind "Toy Story II." There's a lot more in this issue like,another Glenn Vilppu on line drawing course, Maureen Furniss' short filmreviews complete with Quicktime clips and event and book reviews, so have agreat time reading.

A full Table of Contents is available at
