DC’s ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Pushed Again… Now in Time for Christmas

Warner Bros. once more moves the release date - hopefully it sticks this time - of their highly anticipated kick-ass superhero film, directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot.

Last month at DC FanDome, the cast and director of Warner Bros’ next big superhero screen adventure, Wonder Woman 1984, hosted an exciting Q&A complete with a first look at the film’s new trailer. Die-hard fans got riled up and the buzz abounded in anticipation of the film’s upcoming October 2 release. But, alas the COVID-19 pandemic, the bane of the world’s movie business, cast its unfortunately deadly shadow over yet another hoped-for theatrical release, resulting in Warner Bros. once again pushing the action-adventure flick’s release date, this time to December 25!

Who doesn’t want to see superhero Gal Gadot kick some more serious ass? With Gadot jumping back into her gold boots alongside director Patty Jenkins, once again helming with her women-centric production team, fans are more hyped than ever for the next installment. Back in 2017, the Jenkins-directed Wonder Woman took in $822 million at the worldwide box office. Let’s hope Santa gets the memo and actually brings the sequel, safely and profitably, into theaters this Christmas.