Stephen Colbert will square off against rock band The Decemberists in a "guitar shred-off" green screen animation battle Dec. 20, 2006, at 11:30 pm on Comedy Central.
Comedy Central's fake news show, THE COLBERT REPORT, which often employs animated segments within its live-action show format, ups the animation ante again as its host threw down the gauntlet on Nov. 29 at rock band The Decemberists for its mtvU-sponsored "Re-Animate The Decemberists" contest ( College students were asked to create animation to insert into the video's green screen backdrop.
Colbert accused the band of "flagrantly copying" his green screen challenge and issued a counterchallenge asking viewers to insert Colbert himself into The Decemberists video. More information on Colbert's "Second Green Screen Challenge" is available at
Colbert said, "Now The Decemberists may be thieves but they are not cowards. In response, the band issued this statement, 'We would like to announce the very first Decemberists vs. Stephen Colbert Guitar Solo Challenge. Put down the pen Colbert and pick up the axe. Let's see what kind of man you really are. Let's shred.'"
Colbert accepted the counter-counter-challenge, inviting them on his Dec. 20 show to settle the score. "I am going to jam out a solo with so many dominant sevenths and ascending pentatonic patterns it'll make Yngwie Malmsteen sound like Raffi. Decemberists," said Colbert. "I'm even giving you home field advantage by having the contest in December. At last we'll see who reigns supreme."
Colbert ran a green screen challenge earlier in the season featuring him cavorting about on the stage with a Star Wars light saber. The contest was won by an animator in Long Beach, California. Finishing in a close second was ILM founder & STARS WARS creator George Lucas, who guest-starred on THE COLBERT REPORT for a full show, ending with a realtime, on stage battle between Lucas and Colbert with light sabers.
Repeat episodes air Monday-Thursday at 1:30 am, 8:30 am, 2:30 pm and 8:30 pm. and Friday at 8:30 am, 2:30 pm and 8:30 pm. THE COLBERT REPORT regularly airs Monday-Thursday at 11:30 pm following, THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART.